My time in Florida was spent at my Dad’s and my Aunt’s so housing costs were nil, but I still had lots to buy to prepare for the trip so travel investments were high and well, the USA is all-around expensive so it’s not surprise I still ended up spending an average of close to $56 USD/day, especially when you factor in the costs of transport to get there, which included a flight on Spirit which I had to cancel because well, Spirit sucks. But here’s a quick look at my Florida expenses.
Florida Expenses:
$1556.56 – May 5 – June 2, 2015 – 28 days
Avg: $55.59/day
Food & Drink & Ent: $403.39
Travel Investment: $657.81
Bank fees: $30
Other transportation: $40.56 (Gas + parking)
Travel to: $222.5 Spirit (cancelled) + $202.30 United