Month: August 2015

August 14 / Logistics

Bus – plane transport central america Traveling throughout Central America by bus or plane is generally surprisingly easy. Many countries have an impressively well developed transport infrastructure. With a few exceptions, these aren’t the days of chicken buses anymore. While Belize was the worst in terms of infrastructure on almost…

August 12 / Logistics

Almost 4 months in, and time I think, to do a bit of a recap. I left my home, sold everything I own and said goodbye to my friends in early April. Since then I’ve been through 4 countries, 3 of them new, a number of cities, multiple towns and…

August 8 / journey

Puerto Escondido – A surf haven Puerto Escondido is a pretty special place, and it turns out for many; an addiction. It’s not immediately obvious why. Sure when you first get into the city, you have that long tan sand beach, with huge white water waves crashing against it, and…